Priligy Lawyer

A Priligy Lawyer Will Advocate for Your Rights

A Priligy lawyer fights for the rights of individuals who have had a child with congenital birth defects linked to the short-lived antidepressant drug. Priligy (Dapoxetine) is part of a larger group of pharmaceutical drugs known as selective serotonin reputake inhibitors (SSRIs) – whose function is to raise the levels of serotonin in the brain in order to give patients a feeling of calm and well being. Originally manufactured by Eli Lilly and Company in, Priligy’s patent was then sold to Johnson & Johnson in December 2003.

Priligy has the potential to cause adverse side effects to patients – particularly to pregnant women. Studies have shown that SSRI drugs including Priligy have the potential to increase the chance of birth defects in newborns. The birth defects being endured by infants exposed to Priligy during the early stages of fetal development are resulting in victims looking for legal representation from a Priligy lawyer.

Priligy and its Potential Birth Defects

Recent research and studies have shown that Priligy has the potential to increase the risk of having a child with congenital Priligy birth defects, if it is taken during pregnancy. Some of the possible birth defects include the following:

  •   Abdominal defects
  •   Cranial defects
  •   Heart defects
  •   Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN)

Potential heart defects linked to Priligy may be treatable with surgery if the abnormalities are recognized early on and responded to quickly. The potential Priligy heart defects include atrial septal defects (ASD),ventricular septal defects (VSD), tetrology of fallot (ToF), hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), and transposition of the great arteries (TGA or TOGA), among others.

PPHN is a condition that is diagnosed at birth, and it affects the lungs, which causes other parts of the body to be affected as well. PPHN occurs when low blood pressure in the lungs causes there to be higher blood pressure in the heart. As a result, there is an inadequate amount of oxygen being released into the bloodstream.

How to Find a Priligy Lawyer to Assist You With a Potential Priligy Lawsuit

If you or someone you know has taken Priligy during pregnancy, and as a result gave birth to a child suffering from any birth defects, then you should contact a Chaffin Luhana Priligy lawyer regarding a potential Priligy lawsuit by calling 1-888-480-1123. The call with one of our Priligy lawyers will be free and confidential. You may be entitled to monetary compensation, and a Chaffin Luhana attorney is standing by to help.