Nexium Birth Defects

Nexium Birth Defects: PPI Medications and Pregnancy Risks

Nexium birth defects are a very real concern for parents. A 2010 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine indicated that babies born to mothers who took proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medications in the month before they became pregnant had a 39 percent increased risk of birth defects. The FDA also reports that pregnant rabbits dosed with high levels of the PPI medication Prilosec had an increased chance of miscarriage, while a University of Pennsylvania study in 2010 suggested a link between cardiac birth defects and PPI medications.

The Danger of Nexium Birth Defects

Nexium, Prilosec and other drugs classified as PPI medications are part of the class of drug called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). These medications are used to treat conditions such as GERD, peptic ulcer disease and other digestive conditions that cause excess acid in the stomach.

Unfortunately, according to the FDA, many of the PPI medications are classified as either Category B, indicating that the results are not conclusive on whether these medications could cause harm during pregnancy, or Category C, indicating that there are possible risks to a fetus from exposure. This, coupled with the 2010 study and other medical data, has led many parents whose babies have suffered from Nexium birth defects to file a Nexium lawsuit. Parents seeking advice from a Nexium lawyer are typically looking to win compensation for medical costs, pain and suffering and emotional distress, among other potential damages.

Types of Nexium Birth Defects

A number of Nexium birth defects, or defects linked to other PPI medications, have been documented. Examples of potential birth defects caused by Nexium include:

  • an increased risk of miscarriage,
  • anencephaly, a congenital malformation where large areas of the skull and/or brain simply do not develop,
  • hydroencephaly, where cerebrospinal fluid builds up in the brain to dangerous levels,
  • and heart problems, including septal defects. A septal defect describes a hole in the heart between the atrium (the upper chambers), or the ventricles (the lower chambers). A University of Pennsylvania study released in May of 2010 indicated that the risk of a cardiac defect could as much as double when mothers used PPI medications during early pregnancy.

Aside from these potentially serious risks, other Nexium birth defects may also occur including various additional types of congenital malformations. These defects can be costly to treat and have lifelong consequences. A Nexium lawsuit can help parents and children get justice for the impact that this dangerous drug has had on their lives.

Getting Legal Help for Nexium Birth Defects

A Nexium lawsuit allows parents to hold responsible the manufacturer of the alleged drug to blame. If you or a loved one has been affected by Nexium birth defects, contact an experienced Nexium lawyer at Chaffin Luhana LLP at 1-888-480-1123 for a free and confidential case review. You may be entitled to compensation, and the lawyers at Chaffin Luhana can help.