Dexilant Birth Defects May Lead to Lawsuits
Mothers who took the acid-reducing medication Dexilant during pregnancy may have unwittingly put themselves and their unborn children at risk for Dexilant birth defects. Though there are no warnings of Dexilant birth defects on the product label, recent studies and FDA reports have indicated that this drug – which belongs to a class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) – may be linked with Dexilant birth defects like heart defects and anencephaly.
Parents who had a child born with Dexilant birth defects may want to seek the counsel of a Dexilant lawyer to determine their eligibility for a Dexilant lawsuit. A successful case may help recover damages and pay for medical expenses.
Studies Indicate Potential Dexilant Birth Defects
So far, the FDA classifies Dexilant as a Category B medication, which means that animal and/or human studies are inconclusive as to the potential for the drug to harm a fetus. However, two studies that were published in 2010 indicate the potential for Dexilant and other drugs like it to cause Dexilant birth defects.
Dexilant reduces stomach acid by blocking the enzyme that produces acid. This makes Dexilant effective in treating heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers, and other gastrointestinal conditions. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found a link between PPI drugs and cardiac Dexilant birth defects, particularly for those mothers who took the medication during the first trimester. A second study published in The New England Journal of Medicine also found a link between those mothers who took PPI drugs before conception and who had babies with Dexilant birth defects or other PPI birth defects.
Types of Dexilant Birth Defects
Septal heart defects are the most common Dexilant birth defect seen in studies. A septal heart defect ocurrs when a baby is born with a hole in the wall between the upper or lower chambers of the heart. Dexilant septal heart birth defects require surgery to repair or plug the hole. Other potential Dexilant birth defects include anencephaly (where large parts of the brain and skull remain underdeveloped) and hydroencephaly (where cerebrospinal fluid builds up in the brain to dangerous levels). PPI medications may also increase the risk of miscarriage and limb malformations.
Seeking the Advice of a Dexilant Lawyer
For those parents who have had a child with Dexilant birth defects, it may seem overwhelming to consider a Dexilant lawsuit. An experienced Dexilant lawyer can help evaluate each case to see whether or not it may succeed in a court of law.
A Dexilant Lawyer May be Able to Help
Parents who have a child with Dexilant birth defects may be eligible for a Dexilant lawsuit. If you or a loved one has been injured by Dexilant or have had a child with Dexilant birth defects, contact Chaffin Luhana LLP today for a confidential case evaluation at 1-888-480-1123.